With advancements in technology and the distractions they create, many of us have been conditioned to have relatively short attention spans. The following are some tips to help improve your attention and enhance your productivity:
1. Turn off your phone/email notifications.
Identify apps that do not require your immediate attention. You can set aspecific time of the day to check low priority apps. When you are distracted from a task you will lose time and need to spend extra effort to get back on track.
2. Make lists and prioritize your tasks.
It is common for many of us to overestimate our ability to remember things. Making lists can help you create a space for your attention to be available where it counts. Prioritizing tasks to accomplish important goals first can also be helpful.
3. Place activities and appointments on a calendar.
Planning ahead of time with a schedule or a routine may benefit attention both directly and indirectly. Once implemented, routines can go a long way at preserving cognitive resources as they require hardly any conscious effort.
3. Get enough sleep.
Sleep is essential for optimal cognitive functioning. Lack of sleep can result in significant impairment in attention and concentration. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep at night to fully recharge.
4. Balanced diet and exercise.
A balanced diet and exercise can help increase both physical and mental stamina. Research has repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise on both the body and mind.
by Jack Shier, MD
The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.